Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash.
The day of Thanksgiving is approaching! A very special day to meet with loved ones, enjoy the food prepared at home and above all to be thankful. But have you ever been interested in it being a green or sustainable date? It is time to be aware of the activities where we can weave sustainability in our daily living and this is the perfect occasion to continue or start with the green movement in our family.
Follow these tips and your Thanksgiving will turn into a green celebration, in which you will share with your loved ones.
1. Reduce pollution from carbon emissions.
The best thing is that your first option is to share at home or at least near it, otherwise if you have to move around the city, try to share a car with your loved ones.
2. Avoid wasting food.
Before buying and preparing the foods that you will share, think about the number of people and the portion that each of them can eat. On this day, people tend to overeat, and this can generate digestive problems, take your time, enjoy the food and appreciate them.
3. Say yes to local products.
Supports local and organic ingredients. Get closer to the nearest local market, you will surely find products of good quality and a better taste.
4. Use biodegradable disposables.
To be more friendly with our environment, it is advisable not to use disposables, think about the tons of plastic garbage that each household can generate. Especially during the Holidays! However, if it is inevitable that you use them, we recommend you to choose less harmful options, such as compostable ones made from recycled paper or sugarcane. These disposables are 100% ecological and biodegradable, are made of organic matter that decomposes and reintegrates the soil. Also, we suggest you change the paper napkins, for the cloth napkins.
5. An appropriate non-toxic cleaning.
Finally, you can do it yourself or request a service so that your home is clean and ready to receive your friends and family. Remember the use of non-toxic cleaning products, which will make your house look like new, as well as without unpleasant chemical odors.
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Local Dallas shops:
Whole Foods
Online shops:
Thrive Market