On November 13, we had the honor to travel to Washington, D.C., to participate in a #WHBriefing for Hispanic business owners, and take a tour of the White House. We shared experiences with other amazing entrepreneurs and met remarkable people:
- Andrea Ramirez, Ph.D., Policy Advisor and Director of Hispanic Engagement at the White House Office of Public Liaison (who made this event a reality, thank you!)
- Jennifer Korn, Deputy Director and Special Assistant to the President at The White House.
- Jovita Carranza, Treasurer of the U.S., and Head of the Small Business Administration. Previously in her career, she was the Highest-Ranking Latina in the UPS company History.
- Dr. Tyler Goodspeed, White House Council of Economic Advisers.
- Mark Zelden, Faith-Based Director in the U.S. Department of Labor.
Here below, we share photos and takeaways of this memorable experience.
When we started Gmaids 15 years ago, it never crossed our minds that it would lead to an invitation to the White House. In retrospect, the whole experience can be summed up in Jovita Carranza’s words during the briefing when she said, “Fulfilling your potential is in providing service to others.”

We learned how Hispanics are starting businesses three times as fast as the rest of the population and how the real source of strength in the U.S. market is the labor economy. Both insights which we have experienced first hand in our own company and industry.
Our entrepreneur friends shared the same experience who, for the most part, have businesses providing residential and commercial services with the support of skilled labor workers and licensed technicians.

Interestingly, data collected showed how 3.2% of labor workers had grown more compared to 2% for managers. Now, these numbers are bases on national stats, but considering the incredible housing and consumer growth in Dallas, we see the correlation with how consumption is indeed 70% of the economy. (If numbers are your thing, Research Reports with this data are published by the council of economic advisors here: https://www.whitehouse.gov/cea/research).

Stepping into a place with such history and what it represents for us as a family of faith and entrepreneurship, is humbling and empowering.
When we shared these images with our employees, they were just as excited as our relatives to celebrate, and surely if you’re a fellow entrepreneur in the service industry, keep building strong! It will lead to great opportunities to serve.