
Technology Parents Can Use to Get Kids Play Outside

I was on Facebook, doing my normal feed check, when I saw one article shared by one of my friends. It reads “40% of kids nowadays use iPads before they can even speak”. I stopped for a while and thought of my younger brothers; who are aged seven, four and two. We have a computer at home that’s mostly used by them plus, we have three iPads at home. Sadly, I can attest to this article. My two youngest brothers can barely speak but the moment they wake up, they’d come looking for their iPads even before they cry for their milk. They even know when it needs to be charged. It is both impressive and alarming. There’s no problem with me letting them play outside as long as someone’s on look-out for their safety. I also don’t have issues with them being dirty after playing outside. The main concern we all have to face is the fact that playing outside is not that interesting to children anymore compared to the games and apps they play on screen.

You barely have an idea that technology can in fact still get your kids play and learn outside. Here we gathered some apps and what-not that could get your kids playing and possible learning outside.

1. SkyView

SkyView is an app you can download for free from the AppStore. You go out at night, lay on the grass and take photos of the stars using this app, and it will name the constellation and everything you need to know about it. It’s an app not just kids would love. You might as well consider camping out with your kids!

2. Project Noah

Go ask your kids to grab their mobiles or iPads and explore what’s outside. This network helps your kids document the plants and animals they see outside and let them discover their names and everything they need to know. Imagine how fun that would be for the kids? It also is a good starting point for youe children’s learning.

3. Overwatch

There is apparently an app that could get your kids play real outdoor games just like the ones they play online. I think it’s best if you just check out the video. It’s revolutionary. Just make sure though that you have internet connection when accessing this game. I will surely make your kids adrenaline rush and make them look forward too playing outside.

4. Hackaball

Hackaball is a computer that you can throw. This is yet another revolutionary innovation that makes use of technology as a great way to revive outdoor games. There’s just a number of activities and games that we can do out of a ball. It’s a ball we can consider a robot that you can control using an app you can download. It costs $89 as of writing and you can order online on the link I mentioned beforehand.

On the video above, you’ll get a short introduction at how playful and active one ball can make you.

5. Geocaching

Geochaching is probably one of the most exciting and educating outdoor activities that makes use of technology as well. In 75 seconds, you’ll know how it works by viewing the video below:

These are just five of the many things that technology can make us do outside the four corners of your home. It’s about time that children halt at looking at their iPads and touching the screens of their phones. Just about time to go out at the sun and explore what’s out there.