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How to make a super natural multi-purpose cleaner?

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Some customers have asked us how to maintain the cleanliness of their home in between Gmaids appointments, that is why, in this post, we tell you how to make a multi-purpose cleaner completely natural with ingredients you’ll find at home, ideal for daily cleaning.

We already know that commercial cleaning products tend to have a large number of chemicals that essentially make them execute their purpose. However, these same properties such as removing grease, stain marks, and disinfecting, are also found in natural products that are easy to get. The best part is, these are not harmful to your health, your family, or your pets.

Recipe to make an eco-friendly multi-purpose cleaner

It is very easy, with this simple recipe you can make your own natural multipurpose cleaner, read carefully, 100% recommendable.


  • A bottle with sprayer
  • 2 tablespoons of white vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of castille soap
  • 15 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 1 tablespoon of alcohol
  • Optional: 10 drops of essential oil with a floral odor, for example, lavender will give a rich aroma to your cleaner.

How to make it:

Mix all the ingredients in the quantities indicated in the spray bottle, stir the mixture until all the ingredients are homogeneous. When you are going to use the cleaner, shake it well before using it. You can use it directly on surfaces or dilute it in water, depending on the area or surface to be cleaned.

We would like to know if you have had problems when cleaning your home or if you have concerns about cleaning a specific area, write us in the comments and we can help solve them.

Subscribe to our blog, you will always find natural cleaning tips, and other tips that will help you in your daily life, routines.

Stop complicating yourself with the housework, try our professional ecological cleaning service, you will love it.