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Monday, June 7, 2010

Juan & Karen Chaparro, Founders,

What do you need to be an entrepreneur?
Discipline to Dream, Plan, and Execute. And passion to continue the cycle going.

What did inspire you to start your business?
Specifically Gmaids started by accident, really. We saw an opportunity to offer maid services online as a way to reach out to new customers. 5 years ago green cleaning in Dallas was a rare yet exceptional offer (even more with online booking), and it attracted press, interviews, and enough customer base to have us both working full time on it.

How did you finance it?
Oh that? Sweat equity + bootstrapping like crazy!

Being Hispanic…Does it have any influence on your business?
Absolutely. Hispanic culture is so heart warming and welcoming…very attentive. Something key to a service business.

In the face of adversity, how do you decide to keep going?
Trust God for the results of my decisions, get motivated by listening to hardcore entrepreneurs, and rewarding ourselves by traveling and participating in activities we enjoy. It’s so important to learn to enjoy every step of the way and play hard as much as you work hard. I don’t believe in restraining yourself from enjoying life and the people we love, I prefer to grow organically.

What is the biggest challenge your business has faced?
Having to change the whole model under which traditional maid services operate, and venturing out into something completely new, such as selling maid services online. All, while it being our primary source of income.

If you could change one thing about your business, what would it be?
Have more Cleaning Teams!…We’re growing and need more Teams working with us in Dallas and for Austin and Miami which are our next markets in mind.

What was your childhood ambition?
To change the world. It sounds so blissful, but really all I wanted was to make certain wrongs right at a large scale, and that included providing assistance to children in under privileged countries. I think we all can do something at any level we’re at and we actually started doing so with a charity program in Pereira, Colombia, helping an awesome group of children providing them with meals every month.

Tell us about three entrepreneurs that you admire?
Peter Daniels, Richard Branson, and Johnny ‘Cupcakes’.

For business meetings: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Skype. Anytime on skype.

What sacrifices on your personal life did you have to make in order to become a business success?
Working the 3 roles: entrepreneur, manager and technician, all at once, which meant 12 hr working days, sometimes more–from both of us. I can not say we stopped spending time together, since we both work as a couple and are co-founders, but we did learn to delegate technical tasks to have freedom of time and jump into activities out of the working scope.

What is your favorite quote?
Today’s seed is tomorrow’s fruit. And today’s fruit is meant to be enjoyed today.

Is it difficult to be unconventional?
It is difficult to not be unconventional. Every great brand stands out. Seth Godin calls it being a “purple cow”.

Biggest mistake made?
Not reading The E-myth by Michael Gerber early enough.

Do you consider yourself an innovator? Why?
Yes, trying to change old business models to provide a better experience for the Customer and not the pockets of the corporate conglomerates.

About the Company: is the online maid service that provides ecological cleaning through certified Teams. Our motto is to deliver Cleaning Awesomess™.